During the initial download/ refresh the Offline OData client receives error code 413 - Payload too large.
In SMP/SCPms the following errors can appear in the server log file:
Retrieve feed http[s]://<host>:[443/8080]/<appID>/$batch failed because the OData server returned HTTP code, 413, with message: null
Unzipped response from Backend, is larger than the maximum allowed unzipped response size:134217728 set in server config value: 134217728
- the $batch is not necessarily in the URL.
- the numbers (134217728) might differ.
- if the symptom is the same, but it's coming for an Online OData app, then use KBA 2908994 - An Online OData app receives error message: 413 - Payload too large
- SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 3.0
- SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Service for Development and Operations (SCPms)
- SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) SDK 3.0 - Native, Kapsel SDK, Offline OData
- SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android - Offline OData
- SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS - Offline OData
response, 413, payload, body, restriction, offline, backend, back-end, back end, download, sync, synchronize, synced, synch, synchronizing, synchronizes, big, large, restriction, limit, huge, Unzipped response from Backend, is larger than the maximum allowed unzipped response size:134217728 set in server config value: 134217728 , KBA , MOB-CLD-OOD , Mobile Service for Offline ODATA , MOB-SDK-IOS-OFL , BTP SDK for iOS Offline , MOB-SDK-ADR-OFL , Cloud Platform SDK for Android Offline Component , MOB-SDK-OOD , SAP Mobile SDK Offline OData Client , MOB-ONP-OOD , SAP Mobile On Premise Offline OData Server , Problem
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