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2624531 - SUM DMO fails on CREATE INDEX with Fatal Error 702 - SAP ASE for BW


  • You are migrating your SAP BW system to SAP ASE 160 SP02 via SUM DMO
  • During the Downtime Phase - "EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_RUN" -  one or more CREATE INDEX stmts fail with Error 702: 

Fatal Error SQL 702 Memory request for 16512 bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes  

A1 ESYB 003 /BIC/FZSS_C04~020 dropped
A1 ESQL 004 index /BIC/FZSS_C04~020: SQL overridden by 'DFACT.SQL', line 30729-30740
A1EEIMP 007 Task failed with error: (SYB) DDL statement failed
A1EEIMP 007 (IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sysindexes i, sysobjects o WHERE = '/BIC/FZSS_C04~020' AND = '/BIC/FZSS_C04' AND = AND o.uid = user_id()) DROP INDEX "/BIC/FZSS_C04"."/BIC/FZSS_C04~020" ; CREATE INDEX "/BIC/FZSS_C04~020" ON "/BIC/FZSS_C04" ("KEY_ZSS_C04T") LOCAL INDEX ;)
A1EEIMP 007 DbSlExecute: rc = 99
A1EEIMP 007 (SYB) (SQL error 21)
A1EEIMP 007 Error message returned by DbSl:
A1EEIMP 007 (SYB) DbSlErrorMsg rc = 0 'everything went well'
A1EEIMP 007 (SYB) [ASE Error SQL21][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]WARNING - Fatal Error 702 occurred at Mar 27 2018 6:26AM. Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization

  • The failing CREATE INDEX is on a F table of an Infocube
  • The ASE errorlog contains the same corresponding Error 702 - without an accompanying stacktrace

If the Error 702 is encountered during runtime on SAP Solution Manager or SAP BW systems, see SAP KBA 2626359.



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP02 for Business Warehouse
  • SAP NetWeaver (all versions)


SAP NetWeaver 7.0


SUM, DMO, compress, 702, migration, migrate, partitions, partitioned, "fact table", Infocube, CR 814361 , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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