You have an Inbound Delivery with a batch managed product. When you perform the Goods Receipt, the expiration date is not validated in EWM, and inbound queue is stuck in ERP in SMQ2 with error "12 007" - Shortfallof &3 days against remaining shelf life in current item (&1 &2).
SCM Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management, SAP EWM, ERP, ECC, Batch, Batch Management, Batch Product, Shelf Life, Expiration date, Validation, Check, /SCWM/TDLVBATCH, BBD, SLED, BBD/SLED, /SCWM/IF_EX_DLV_BATCH_SLED_VAL, CHECK_SLED_BBD_VAL, 12007, 12 007 , KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM , Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) , LO-SPM-INB , Inbound Process , LE-IEW-X , Cross-Application Topics , SCM-EWM-IF-ERP , Interface ERP , How To
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