- When users try to post the outgoing payment through Transactional FIORI app (Post Outgoing Payment), we are getting the below error saying that BKTXT field is required entry
- As per ADNOC requirement Header text field is mandatory for document type KZ
- Same field is expected to be there in the entry screen of the Fiori app
SAP Netweaver 7.5 SP0
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
"Fiori fields missing","Performance issue rendering Fiori Apps","How to add more fields to Fiori","backend validation issue for Fiori apps","SAPGUI transaction has additional fields while Fiori does not","BKTXT is missing","Post Outgoing Payment failure" , KBA , CA-UI5-FL , Flexibility Infrastructure , FI-FIO-AP-PAY , Payment Apps , How To
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