Trying to search with different language in Org Unit but not seeing response
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Reproducing the Issue
In refrence files => corporate strcuture => All levels have name as English languauge
Customer has switched to different locale other than English
Trying to enter value in one of the list in panel in local language but system is not autopopulating the existing data
Expected bahaviour. Changing locale will not help in search with same locale in Org Unit list. Locale specific content (Name of company if considering level 1 : Company) should be added in Corporate structure
Consider Level 1 : company as example , locale as : Hindi
Company name must be in Hindi in Corporate structure => level 1 to ensure we can search with same in panel :
On testing the same in panel with Hindi languague , we can see response as :
Translation of Org list in multiple languague ; Org list locale ; search with locale ; org list empty ; search in org list shows empty , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem