- When a phrase that has the phrase item in status historical is added to a specification, and you continue to select the phrase anyway, a warning is given that an obsolete phrase was selected (Check phrase &1 from phrase library X; critical status - Message No. CM_EHCSM_SPC_API_CMN119)
- The above warning does not happen in a Label set. When an obsolete phrase is selected in a label set, the system does not give the user any warnings.
SAP ERP Recipe Development on PLM Web UI (PLM-WUI-RCP)
CM_EHCSM_SPC_API_CMN119 , phrase item , historic , old , indicator , indication , phrase status that is defined as critical for at least one language , Specify Phrase Status , KBA , PLM-WUI-RCP-LBL , Labeling , How To
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