When checking sub-account status from SCC -> "Connector", you perceive it's not connected, and it keeps on failure status.
Upon selecting the sub-account itself from SCC -> <sub-account name from the left menu>, similar error below is raised.
Unable to connect: A different cloud connector instance with the same value for location ID is already connected to this subaccount
Finally, from SCC trace (ljs_trace.log (<2.17)/scc_core.trc (>=2.17) brings the following: #Unexpected problem during tunnel processing in channel [id: XXXXXXXXXX, L: !]; Reason: Invalid status of handshake response: 400 Invalid Upgrade Request; Exception type:
202X-XX-XX XX:XX:XX,XXX #Tunnel account:///XXXXXXXXXX connect failed
com.ap.core.connectivity.tunnel.core.handshake.ClientConflictHandshakeException: Invalid status of handshake response: 409 Conflict
- SAP Cloud Connector release independent;
- SAP BTP Cloud Platform.
multiple, cloud connector, Location ID, ClientConflictHandshakeException, 409, Conflict, Unable to connect: A different SAP Cloud Connector instance with the same value for location ID is already connected to this subaccount, scp, sap cloud platform, location, id, connector, failed, , KBA , BC-MID-SCC , SAP Cloud Connector On-Demand/On-Premise Connectivity , Problem
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