- SAP Sybase IQ supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses anywhere you can specify an IP address on the client or server.
On IPv6-enabled computers, the network database server listens by default on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. - I encounetered below server start-up error was returned, when IPv6 address '****'was defined in iqdemo.cfg
I. 03/30 22:17:50. Trying to start TCPIP link ...
I. 03/30 22:17:50. TCP/IP link, function bind, error code 22
I. 03/30 22:17:50. TCPIP communication link not started
I. 03/30 22:17:50. Unable to initialize requested communication links
E. 03/30 22:17:50. Unable to initialize requested communication links
I. 03/30 22:17:50. Database server shutdown due to startup error
- It's an example of 'How to configure IPv6 in SAP IQ'.
- SAP IQ15.4
- SAP IQ16.0
- SAP IQ16.1
SAP IQ all versions
IPv6 configuration ; inet6 ; IPv4 ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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