- When executing a dashboard with a toggle function (between a chart and a graph, for example) in BI Launchpad, the following error is displayed:
A JavaScript error occurred. Cannot read property 'getTableRow' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTableRow' of undefined at sap.zen.crosstab.CrosstabHeaderInfo.getDimensionInfoByRowCol ( (…)
- This error is not reproducible when the dashboard is being executed locally.
- Lumira Server 2.x
- Lumira Designer 2.x
SAP Lumira 2.4
Toggle , chart , switch , interchange , server , BI Platform , BIP. , KBA , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , BI-LUM-SRV-BIP , SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform , Bug Filed
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