Installing XS Advanced fails with this error message:
21:36:36.623 - INFO: Output line 219: ERROR: Fatal error occurred during installation
21:36:36.623 - INFO: Output line 220: Installing the Audit-Log Service (DB) application failed: Staging of app "auditlog-db" failed
21:36:36.623 - INFO: Output line 226: Caused by: Staging of app "auditlog-db" failed
21:36:36.623 - INFO: Output line 227: at
Installation traces under the /var/tmp folder, you will see error stack like this:
21:36:36.663 - INFO: Output line 221: Output line 154: [27] 11/3/17 9:36:34.111 PM [STG/1] OUT Downloading Node.js...
21:36:36.663 - INFO: Output line 222: Output line 155: [27] 11/3/17 9:36:34.239 PM [STG/1] OUT Unpacking Node.js archive...
21:36:36.663 - INFO: Output line 223: Output line 156: [27] 11/3/17 9:36:34.244 PM [STG/1] ERR /bin/sh: unzip: command not found
21:36:36.663 - INFO: Output line 224: Output line 157: [27] 11/3/17 9:36:34.245 PM [STG/1] ERR Error: Command failed: unzip -qq -o "/hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/stager/stager-<host>/work/f5ee842e-357f-4962-b211-4aa4f1eafe0c-3/droplet/app/"
21:36:36.663 - INFO: Output line 225: Output line 158: [27] 11/3/17 9:36:34.246 PM [STG/1] ERR Error: Command failed: unzip -qq -o "/hana/shared/CH1/xs/app_working/stager/stager-sapch1xsa/work/f5ee842e-357f-4962-b211-4aa4f1eafe0c-3/droplet/app/"
SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced model
KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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