SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2626393 - Importing API user


This KBA describes how to import API user from excel to successfactors.


You can create an API user on SF side but it can imported from csv file as well.

You can use the attached template UserDirectory_template.csv. This need to be saved first on your computer.

You can rename SAP_SUPPORT on the csv file.

The following are the steps to import an API user using the attached template UserDirectory_template.csv:

  1. Log on to Successfactors as Administrator
  2. Go to Admin Center
  3. Manage Employees -> Update User Information
  4. Select an entity: Basic Import || Choose File: UserDirectory_template.csv from your computer || File Encoding: Unicode (UFT-8) || File Locale: English (United States)
  5. Click "Validate Import File Data". The message "Validation Successful" means that everything is OK. If not you need to check you csv file.
  6. Click Import. The message 'Your file has been uploaded to the server successfully...' mean that the API user was created successfully.
  7. (optional). you can run the query "https://your_end_point/odata/v2/User?$filter=username+eq+'SAP_SUPPORT'&$format=json&$select=username,userId,manager,hr" if you have another API user, to check if API user was as well created successfully. The response should be as follows:

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "your_end_point:443/odata/v2/User('SAP_SUPPORT')",
                    "type": "SFOData.User"
                "userId": "SAP_SUPPORT",
                "username": "SAP_SUPPORT",
                "hr": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "your_end_point:443/odata/v2/User('SAP_SUPPORT')/hr"
                "manager": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "your_end_point/odata/v2/User('SAP_SUPPORT')/manager"



Creating API user, importing API user , KBA , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions

