kernel usdfltpktsz: Unable to free read buffer at address 0x10 of size 1692316432 from pool with ALLOCID = 0x10
server Error encountered while switching packet sizes to the default size for …
Current process (0x1b001b) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Address 0x00000001003e733c (aix_get_lock+0x2c), siginfo (code, address) = (50, 0x6628686f75722c75)
kechkfault: engine 5: scheduler infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
pc: 0x0000000100047280 pcstkwalk+0x88()
pc: 0x0000000100046bd4 ucstkgentrace+0x1ac()
pc: 0x0000000100045d88 ucbacktrace+0x90()
pc: 0x000000010003b39c keipanic+0xa8()
pc: 0x00000001000984b4 kechkfault__fdpr_1+0xc()
pc: 0x0000000101f6af78 kisignal__fdpr_1+0xa4()
pc: 0x00000001003e733c aix_get_lock+0x2c()
kernel end of stack trace, kernel service process: kpid 1769499
kernel ueshutdown: exiting
kernel kesetown: no engine 5
uppopaffinity: kpid 1769499 affinity stack underflow
Abnormal exit detected - ASE process level execution bindings will be cleared on startup.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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