An app added to the Fiori Launchpad home screen is not translated when the user logs into the Fiori Launchpad using another language.
Fiori Launchpad with multiple languages installed
pinned, best, practice, practices, create, tile, Fiori, translate, translates, translation, added, from, SAP, Menu, not, translated, Launchpad, shows, show, English, App, Manager, App Manager, FLPAM, conf, transport, TLGS,"TLGS", TABL, WDY_CONF_USERT2, SE63, Designer, Tile, original, multiple, title, subtitle, titles, subtitles, how to, create, tile, tiles, Fiori, add, added, adding, FLPD_CUST, /n/UI2/FLPD_CUST, SAPGUI for HTML, S4FIN, SM59, ALIASMAP, /UI2/V_ALIASMAP , KBA , CA-UI2-INT-BE , Please use CA-FLP-ABA , CA-FE-FLP-EU , Please use CA-FLP-FE-UI , CA-UI2-INT-FE , Please use CA-FLP-FE-COR , BC-DOC-TTL , Translation Tools , Problem
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