You are doing Condition Contract Settlement (CCS) for a condition contract, which is intended to be relevant for multiple customers/multiple vendors (TWCBCONTRTYPE-OWNER_TYPE was set as "N - No Contract Partner).
When you carry out the settlement in transaction WB2R_SC or WB2R_SV in ERP, you are getting one of the below error messages:
- WB2R047, indicating that no customer was assigned to the relevant condition contract
- WB2R015, indicating that no vendor was assigned to the relevant condition contract
Condition Contract Settlement in SAP ERP
WB2R015, WB2R 015, WB2R047, WB2R 047, TWCBCONTRTYPE-OWNER_TYPE, WCOCOH-CUST_OWNER, WCOCOH-VEND_OWNER, FILL_AB_DATA_PARTNER_2, No customer assigned to contract, No supplier assigned to contract , KBA , LO-GT-CCS , Condition Contract Settlement , Problem
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