SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2627790 - Not able to Apply Model Rule & Validation


You want to apply a model rule for a field and it is not working.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Service work center.
  2. Open the Adaptation mode
  3. Click on Tickets view.
  4. Open any Ticket.
  5. Go to Items tab.
  6. Within embedded component, you are trying to apply a rule for a field.
  7. Try to go to Rules and Validations.
  8. The Add button is missing.


 This is expected behaviour. Rules & validation cannot be applied for the fields in embedded components.


Model Rule, Embedded components, Validation not working, Model rule not working, rule for a field, Rule in EC, Rule in embedded component, Add button , KBA , embedded components , validation not working , rule for a field , rule in ec , model rule , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 2021 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2102