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2628608 - Using the CreateComparisonHelper() via Vbscript how to compare specific object types - SAP PD


  • Error when using VBScript function CreateComparisonHelper is not returning the expected results.
  • The goal is to compare "Table" objects.
  • Customer is trying to compare two models with a code similar to:

set p = openmodel("C:\\Users\\\\Desktop\\Temp\\TEST.pdm")
set dom = openmodel("C:\\Users\\\\Desktop\\Temp\\OraPDM.pdm")

' Create the comparison helper and show comparison results in the output

Dim Cmpr, Idx, DiffKind, OldObject, NewObject, MemberPublicName, OldValue, NewValue, Str
Set Cmpr = p.CreateComparisonHelper(dom)

' Parameter the comparison option, should be called before lauch Compare action
Cmpr.SetClassComparable "*", FALSE
Cmpr.SetClassComparable "Table", TRUE

output cstr(Cmpr.GetDifferencesCount()) " differences found"
for Idx = 0 to Cmpr.GetDifferencesCount()
Cmpr.GetDifferenceInformation Idx, DiffKind, OldObject, NewObject, MemberPublicName, OldValue, NewValue
Str = "Difference " cstr(Idx) " is:"
Str = Str " Kind=" Cstr(DiffKind)




  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.6
  • DBMS: Oracle 11g


SAP PowerDesigner 16.6


SetPropertyComparable, VB script, compare object , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , How To

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