- While opening Notifications Area on Fiori Launchpad, there is an error in the browser debug Console: "module 'sap/ushell/renderers/fiori2/notifications/Notifications.controller.js' returned no content, but should be exported".
- Additional issue is that the Notification has no sender name and user image when the Action to DisplayText is returned from: http://<YourServerDomain>:<YourPort>/sap/opu/odata4/iwngw/notification/default/iwngw/notification_srv/0001/Notifications?$expand=Actions,NavigationTargetParams&$orderby=CreatedAt%20desc&$filter=IsGroupHeader%20eq%20false&$skip=0&$top=27
- Under the SAP published Fiori link: - it states the following:
"Author and Image
Images or icons can be associated with the notification. The author of the notification can also be displayed on the item. A good use case is to combine the author and an image of the author when displaying a notification"
Why is there no sender name or user image for notifications?
SAPUI5 on ABAP 1.48.12
- OpenUI5 Version 1.48.12
- Netweaver as ABAP 7.52 SP0
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52 ; SAPUI5 1.0
"Fiori Notification","Fiori User Notification","Fiori Launchpad User Image","Fiori returned no content, but should be exported","Fiori Notification feature","Fiori Launchpad supported features","Fiori Launchpad Notifications.controller.js" , KBA , CA-FE-FLP-EU , Please use CA-FLP-FE-UI , Problem
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