- Random hangs when accessing Web Intelligence Applet
- No users able to log into BI Launchpad
- After a period of time (~15) minutes everything starts working correctly again
- During the time of the problem, network connections attempts to servers that are NOT in the same cluster
- In End to End tracing logs (KBA 1861180) messages such as the following appear (only system in this cluster is srva, srvb is a seperate cluster)
com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.OCAFrameworkException$AllServicesDown: Unable to find servers in CMS srvb:6400 and cluster @srvb:6400 with kind pjs and service <randomservicename>. All such servers could be down or disabled by the administrator. (FWM 01014)
References appear in the cluster for other CMS's that do not belong in the cluster
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
- Microsoft Windows
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2
document, report, java, responding, stuck, intermittent, sporadic , KBA , BI-BIP-SRV , CMS / Auditing issues (excl. 3rd Party Authentication) , Problem
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