You are using a KPI and noticed that the result is wrong. The most common scenarios are that it shows 0 even though there should be data present. Alternatively, the result may show a wrong number.
SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Open the KPI from the respective work center view (most commonly Home) or open a preview:
Go to the work center Business Analytics and the view Design KPIs.
- Search for the respective KPI and click on Preview.
- Check either the KPI or the Reference Value.
A wrong result is shown. If you compare it to the report and key figure that this KPI is based on, the report will show the correct value.
There can be several causes for this.
- A KPI shows the key figure value that is displayed when you start the corresponding report with the corresponding selection in a Web browser and remove all characteristics from the rows and columns; the resulting key figure value is the relevant value. A key figure may show a different value without any characteristics, compared to a view with specified characteristics.
- The report on which the KPI is based is assigned to a specific work center view, for example ABC. The user viewing the KPI has unrestricted read access to the work center view ABC. This causes a conflict in access restrictions which does not allow any data to be returned.
- For standard key figures, this is the correct behaviour. In custom key figures, this may be caused by a missing setting in the local calculation, as described in the KBA 2574052 - Custom Key Figure Shows Wrong Result. It may also be cause if you save conditions / exceptions to the report view - note that these are not considered because they are saved to the view, not the key figure or the report selection.
- Please restrict the user / the business role with regards to the work center view ABC.
See Also
2574052 - Custom Key Figure Shows Wrong Result
2488825 - Access Context of Report Not Working (cause A)
2547529 - KPI showing wrong value
KPI wrong result, KPI zero, home, KPI context report, wrong reference value, KPI preview , KBA , access rights , kpi value , kpi shows zero , incorrect value , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To