- You have installed/upgraded to ASE 160 SP02 PL07
- You use Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) to administer database backups.
- You have enabled the ASE configuration parameter, "enable dump history"
- You find dump database jobs to report the following error at the end:
dump database sybsecurity to 'syb_tsm::sybsecurity.DB.20180406.130045.000'
stripe on 'syb_tsm::sybsecurity.DB.20180406.130045.001'
stripe on 'syb_tsm::sybsecurity.DB.20180406.130045.002'
stripe on 'syb_tsm::sybsecurity.DB.20180406.130045.003'
Msg 11076, Level 18, State 1:
Server 'SID', Line 1:
The name '' is too long. Maximum length is 255.
- Per the ASE backupserver errorlog, the backup itself succeeds
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16 SP02 PL07 HF1
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16 SP02 PL08
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16 SP03 PL04
TSM, dumphist, "dump history", backups, dumps, CR814462, 814462, "Error 11076", 255, name , long, maximum , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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