You are applying a patch to update the SAPUI5 version library and you have one (or more) of the following situations:
- Your SAPUI5 library version has not been updated in PRD and/or QAS systems.
- In DEV system you get the error "SAP Note does not contain any valid correction instruction" while using SNOTE transaction on FLP notes
- In DEV system you get an error during recording the UI5 changes in the transport request.
- While transporting your changes to PRD and/or QAS you get Warning/errors in the Transport Organizer logs.
This KBA is intended to clarify the process of applying a new patch in SAPUI5.
- SAP Fiori
SAPUI5, SAPUI5 version, SAPUI5 library version, UI2&USHELL version, FLP Note, SAPUI5 zip file, update, upgrade, patch, transport, transport request, import transport, /UI5/UI5_UPLOAD_PATCH_TO_MIME, /sap/public/bc/ui5_ui5/index.html, transport organizer, transports log , KBA , CA-UI5-DLV , UI5 ABAP delivery tools , CA-UI2-INT-FE , Please use CA-FLP-FE-COR , How To
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