- Using S4HANA 1610 on-premise to create Custom Analytical queries using the Fiori App Query Design - Custom Analytical Apps
- Reference the app in the Fiori App Library (Custom Analytical App F1572)
- The users are able to create a custom analytical query, save and activate but when the users click preview the following error shows up:
- There is an error without any description (Failed to load UI5 component with properties)
- When the user uses the Chrome debugger or browser tools (F12), it mentions about a template 0ANALYSIS (See picture above)
- Does the user have to download this template from tcode RSOR under More Types - Analysis Applications
- But the template does not come up in the list
- How can this template be installed?
- Based on research online, there is a past documented solution to get this resolved and it is under:
- This document or blog claims that if you get this error, you need to just install the 0ANALYSIS template to fix
- With the statement above, where is this 0ANALYSIS template to be activated/installed?
SAP Hana Studio 2
SAP Hana Database 2.0 (SP010)
SAP Hana Smart Data Access 2.0 (SP000)
SAP Hana Plaform Edition 2.0
- SAP UI5 1.44.13
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 ; SAPUI5 1.0
"0ANALYSIS", "DESIGN STUDIO 0ANALYSIS","SAP UI 1.44 Query Design","Custom Query Design","Custom Analytical App F1572 failure","Fail to run Custom Analytical App","0ANALYSIS missing" , KBA , BI-RA-AD-EA , Embedded Analytics for S/4 , Problem
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