LogOCOSMessages MM/DD/YYYY 24HH:MM:SS.msmsms <ecdasrvnm> NULL NULL NULL Error: 16240 Severity: 10 State: 0 OS Error: -1 : Net-Library routine sybnet_listen() failed in srv__start_net Network error: status = 0 - Unable to determine Net-Library error OS Error Text: <SRV-Lib>
LogOCOSMessages MM/DD/YYYY 24HH:MM:SS.msmsms <ecdasrvnm> NULL NULL NULL Error: 16029 Severity: 20 State: 0 OS Error: -1 : Failed to start any network listeners OS Error Text: <SRV-Lib> Startup halted.
LogOCOSMessages MM/DD/YYYY 24HH:MM:SS.msmsms <ecdasrvnm> NULL NULL NULL Error: 16029 Severity: 20 State: 0 OS Error: -1 : Failed to start any network listeners OS Error Text: <SRV-Lib>
ECDA 15.7 sp5 on linux
Reproducing the Issue
attempt to start an ECDA server when the interfaces file has incorrect entries in it
master tcp ether hostname <ip-address> 7000 * * * incorrect . . . remove <space>hostname
master tcp ether hostname <actual_hostname> 7000 * * * incorrect . . . remove <space>hostname
master tcp ether <ip-address> 70000 * * * incorrect . . . both ipv4 and ipv6 port number must be an unsigned 16-bit integer, so <= 65535
master tcp ether <actual_hostname> 70000 * * * incorrect . . . both ipv4 and ipv6 port number must be an unsigned 16-bit integer, so <= 65535
$SYBASE/interfaces file has incorrect entries in it
edit $SYBASE/interfaces file and correct the entries . . .
master tcp ether <ip-address> 7000 * * * correct
master tcp ether <actual_hostname> 7000 * * * correct
KBA , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , Problem