Basic Information on PGP File Encyption Keys of Security Center in Integration Center:
1. What is the maximum size of the PGP encryption key that can be used
2. What should be the extension of the PGP encryption key
3. Is there a provision for the validation of uploading duplicate PGP encryption keys
1. What is the maximum size of the PGP encryption key that can be used:
The size of the file varies based on the key size that you have set on the tool to generate a PGP key. The size of the generated key varies between 512 to 4096 bytes.
2. What should be the extension of the PGP encryption key:
PGP Key file extension should be .pub or .asc as a followed standard.
3. Is there a provision for the validation of uploading duplicate PGP encryption keys:
The tool won’t validate for duplicates if we try to upload the same pgp keys again but no two PGP keys should have same name.
Integration Center, Security Center, PGP Keys , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , How To