You have a requirement to persist a calculated value (such as Age or Years of Service) so that it can be synchronized to the SuccessFactors Platform and used downstream in other modules.
Using a Business Rule to calculate the value is possible, but the rule cannot be automated to re-calculate the value every day. This means that the employee's data would need to be edited and saved every day for the value to persist and then synchronize to the Platform.
Therefore please review the below for the correct alternatives.
Employee Central
There are two options to achieve this requirement. You can either use:
Integration Center (Recommended)
Use Integration Center to generate a formatted export with a calculated column (where the target is a Numeric field), that could be exported on schedule to an FTP folder, and then scheduled to Import the data again (which would persist the data and trigger the HRIS Sync).
See Article: 2571171 - How to create a Age calculation field in Integration Center
Advanced Reporting
Use Advanced Reporting to generate a formatted report with a calculated column, that can then be exported on schedule to an FTP folder using Report Distributor, and then schedule an EC Import job to pick the output file up, and import it again (which would persist the data and trigger the HRIS Sync).
See Article: 2515212 - How to get "number of years" an employee is working in the organization in ORD or Advance Reporting?
- 2317668 - What is a Report Distributor
- 2279296 - How To Run Report Distributor: Offline, Send to FTP or to E-mail
SPECIAL NOTE: It is currently not possible to use Off Cycle Event Batch to achieve the same - therefore only one of the 2 methods above can be used to automate this calculation.
See Also
calculate age, calculate work seniority, hris sync, ec, employee central , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HRS , HRIS Sync , How To