You have configured code list restriction for a Business Object. Due to invalid code value being chosen, on save system is triggering error. You want to suppress such error message.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Sales work center as an example.
- Click Opportunities view.
Click New.
For XYZ field, you have chosen code value which is not configured in Code List Restriction.
- Click Save and you are getting below error message:
"Save Failed | Entry ABC not valid for XYZ field as per Code List Restriction. Please contact your system administrator".
This is expected behaviour. If invalid code value is chosen, system will trigger error. You have an option to suppress this error message as key user.
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Search with Code List Restrictions.
- Click Code List Restrictions link.
- In Message Severity Configuration, you can change Severity level to Warning or Information or select Suppress Message.
Entry ABC not valid for XYZ field as per Code List Restriction, Please contact your system administrator, Code List Restriction Error, CLR error, CLR, Code List Restrictions , KBA , entry abc not valid for xyz field as per , code list restrictions , clr , code list restriction error , please contact your system administrator , clr error , configure message severity , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , How To