SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2633419 - Visibility of Characteristics in Data Sources and Reports


You are creating your own data source, key figure or report and you notice that a characteristic or key figure that is available in the standard data source is not available for your own object.

Alternatively, you are checking the data source documentation and noticed the column Visibility. You would like to know what this setting means.


  • SAP Business ByDesign
  • SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

The steps to reproduce vary depeding on your scenario. You may find yourself in

  • The work center Business Analytics, view Design Reports > in the report wizard
  • The work center Business Analytics, view Design Data Sources > in the data source wizard
  • The work center Business Analytics, view Design Key Figures > in the key figure wizard


There is a setting that determines in which other Analytics UI the respective field can be viewed:

  1. Go to the work center Business Analytics, view Design Data Sources.
  2. Search for the required data source.
  3. In the column Documentation, click on the magnifying glass symbol. This will open the documentation.
  4. In the Characteristics and Key Figures table, there is a column called Visibility, which shows one of the following entries:
    1. Visible for MDAV Modelling
    2. Visible for MKFC Modelling
    3. Visible for Report Modelling
    4. Visible for End User Personalization


  • Visible for MDAV Modelling: The field is visible in data sources, however not in reports or other analytical objects (e.g. key figures).
  • Visible for MKFC: The field is visible in data sources and during key figure creation.
  • Visible for Report Modelling: The field is available in data sources, key figures and reports. However in report, it cannot be added via the Add Fields feature.
  • Visible for End User Personalization: This is the highest level of visibility. The field is available in all analytical objects (data sources, key figures and reports) without restriction.

 These settings cannot be changed.


visible for MDAV modelling, visible for MKFC, visible for end user personalization, visible for report modelling, field not available, field missing in report, missing field in key figure wizard, add fields , KBA , analytics , report , data source , custom , key figure , missing field , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions