Opportunity (Any Transaction documents) has approval status In Approval but Approval Facet/Tab has No Records.
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Sales work center
- Go to Opportunities view
- Open an opportunity XYZ (XYZ represents the identification of the opportunity)
- Go to Header screen
- Here Approval status field has In Approval
- Switch to Approval Tab
You can not find any records: No Records.
Currency conversion rate between use currencies in condition and opportunity are missing. Please maintain currency conversion rates in the system. This is necessary because it is preventing the approval from going through.
Please maintain the exchange rates under Administrator work center using Exchange Rate for Foreign Currencies following the below steps:
- Go to the Administrator work center
- Go to the Common Tasks view
- Click on hyperlink Exchange Rate For Foreign Currencies
- Click on Add Row
- Enter the Source Currency and Target Currency
- You must enter the Bid, Middle and Ask rates
- Save
See Also
2518320 - You Receive the Error Message: Submit for Approval not possible; check approval conditions
Approval Tab No Records, Opportunity, Sales Quote, In Approval , KBA , approval facet/tab , no records , blank , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , Problem