How to backup SAP IQ database ?
Regular and frequent backups are your only protection against database or device failure. Consider the performance implications of various backup options, and create an appropriate backup plan.
Backup plans depend on system load factors, database size, number of updates, and the relative importance of backup and recovery times. The length of time your organization can function without access to the data in your database determines the maximum recovery time. Run a full backup on a new database to provide a base point, then perform full and incremental backups on a fixed schedule. Consider time and storage requirements. Balance the time it takes to create the backup with the time it takes to restore the data.
Where to backup SAP IQ database ?
- Tape devices
- Disk devices
SAP IQ 16.x
backup, restore, full, incremental, recovery, Tape, virtual backup, DLT, VLT, netbackup, networker , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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