FAQs on how the 'Find Availability' feature works when multiple interviewers have been added to an interview for a candidate through Interview Scheduling.
- When multiple interviewers are added, does the availability of slots show in the order the Interviewers are added?
- Does the system show the names of the Interviewers available, or does it just show available times that are common to all of the interviewers?
- Does the tool only show the full time slot during which all interviewers are available? In other words, if there are 8 interviewers spanning across 6 hours, will SF look for day when a majority of the interviewers are open for the same 6 hour window?
- Does the system support multiple interviewers of differing durations for an interview (e.g. a 1 hour interview, with interviewer #1 available for 1 hour, interviewer #2 available for 30 minutes)
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions
Interview Scheduling, multiple interviewers , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-RCM-IVW , Interview Central, Interviews, Scheduling etc , Problem
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