During integration of a product data structure (PDS) or PPM there might be one or more of the following symptoms:
- The storage location of a component or of the output is not getting transferred to APO.
- Another than the intended storage location for a component or output is taken into account.
In general it is not clear what the conditions are under which the storage location gets transferred or where it is taken from.
- SAP ERP/ECC connected with SCM APO System
- S4HANA 1610 and higher releases
- SAP ERP/ECC EHP 7/8 with embedded PPDS (PPDSonERP)
storage location, PDS, PPM, product data structure, MMSC, sublocation, component, allocation, work center, supply area, BOM, bill of material, order creation, alternative modes, redetermination, OMK0, MRP2, CS01, CS02, C223, CR01, CR02, CURTO_CREATE, /SAPAPO/CURTO_SIMU , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-MD-PDS , Production Data Structure , SCM-APO-MD-PDS-EXP , Explosion for Order Creation , Problem
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