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2634853 - New address number generated by just opening the phone number's pop up without doing any change on the data - ME31k / ME31l / ME32k / ME32l


While you are creating a new contract via ME31K or a scheduling agreement via ME31l you can open the vendor address and the telephone selection to check the numbers. You simply just close the popup with accept button without doing any change in the data. Thereafter saving the document. Hence the system creates a new address number but it shouldn’t because you did not change anything in the already existing address master data. This only happens if you open other telephone numbers or other mobile telephone numbers and click at the accept button.



  • Materials Management (MM) but the root cause is the SAP_BASIS package's address master handling process so only for systems which has lower SAP_BASIS system component version as followings:
    700 SAPKB70036
    701 SAPKB70121
    702 SAPKB70221
    710 SAPKB71024
    711 SAPKB71119
    730 SAPKB73019
    731 SAPKB73123
    740 SAPKB74020
    750 SAPK-75013INSAPBASIS
    751 SAPK-75107INSAPBASIS
    752 SAPK-75203INSAPBASIS


SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


address, Addresse, ME31k, ME32k, ME31l, ME32l, contract, kontract, telephone, telephone number, mobile number, Telefon, Telephon Nummer, Phonenumber, Phone, subscreen, MM06EFAD_ADDR_IMP_SUBSCREEN_F, ADDR_IMP_SUBSCREEN, DATA_HAS_CHANGE, SAPMM06E, EKKO, EKPO, ADRNR, EKPO-ADRNR, EKKO-ADRNR, , KBA , MM-PUR-OA , Outline Purchase Agreements With Vendors , MM-PUR-OA-SCH , Scheduling Agreement , MM-PUR-OA-CON , Contract , How To

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