symptom #1: You are creating scheduling agreeements (SA), and creating JIT releases for it and output (output type LPJ1) them to the vendor.
You would use after this MD04 to display the material's availability in the certain plant and you want to use the Selection rule SAP0004 - SAP Dely sched. instead of Sched. lines - hence you expect that the JIT releases would appear instead of the schedule lines (MRP element "JIT-DS" instead of "SchLne") but that is not happening.
symptom #2: Another symptom can be that you have only FRC releases for the scheduling agreement, and you observe that the FRC releases with SAP0004 only displayed if the EKPO-FABKZ ("Indicator: Item Relevant to JIT Delivery Schedules", visible on the details screen of ME32L item) field is "0" ("No JIT"), and still schedule lines will appear with this selection rule if EKPO-FABKZ = "1" ("Automatically").
Further symptom can be the above two but vica-versa between the release types.
symptom #3: And symptom can also be the question, if you use both release types (JIT and FRC too) within a scheduling agreement, which of these will be appear at selection rule SAP0004?
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
Lieferplan, Lieferpläne, ME31l, ME32l, ME33l, ME38, MD04, MRP, JIT, Just-In-Time, LPJ1, Fine-tuned controll, t161m, druab, t161m-druab, Selection rule SAP0004, RM61R-ERGBZ, EKEK, EKET. Einteilung, schedule line, ME_REPLACE_EKET_BY_EKEH, ME_UPDATE_FROM_PRINTING, FRC = LAB , JIT = FAB , ME_READ_LAST_RELEASE , KBA , MM-PUR-OA-SCH , Scheduling Agreement , PP-MRP , Material Requirements Planning , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , How To
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