- You are using Fiori Launchpad on Portal (FLP@EP)
- After deploying a SAPUI5 Application to the NetWeaver AS Java using NWDS or NWDI as a Web DC, the application will be deployed using an Alias on the application server (e.g: ./com.mysapui5app)
- When this URL is added to a SAPUI5 App Integrator iView, the URL is made invalid as the following path will get appended when accessing via the Fiori Framework Page: /
For example: http://<host>:<port>/irj/portal/ - The SAPUI5 App will not load as the URL is not correct
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java 7.31 and higher releases
- Enterprise Portal
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
FLP@EP, wrr, web, resource, repository, resources, deployment, deploying, development, component, alias,ui5, iview, iviews, ide, netweaver, developer, studio, infrastructure, flp, fiori, launchpad, ffp , KBA , EP-PIN-NAV-FFP , Fiori Framework Page , EP-PIN-AI , Application Integration , EP-PIN-NAV , Navigation , Problem
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