When viewing search results in the catalog, all results are displayed even though a selection 'Show 5' is made at the bottom of the page. (see below)
SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)
This issue is due to the default value for the number of search rows configured in System Configuration.
You can review this configuration by accessing System Admin>Configuration>System Configuration>Search
In the search setting there is a value 'resultRowsPerPage='
This sets the number of results displayed for the initial search.
Once the user selects a different value from the 'Show' dropdown, this number displayed will change but for the initial search, it will always display the maximum results up to the value set in 'resultRowsPerPage='
In this instance, this value is set to 500 meaning the search will return up to 500 results by default on the initial search.
To reduce the number of search results displayed initially, the 'resultRowsPerPage=' should be set to a lower value.
There are also values of 'rowsPerPageOptions[5]=true', 'rowsPerPageOptions[10]=true' & 'rowsPerPageOptions[25]=true' (These can be configured and extra values added)
These determines the number of results the user can choose to display from the dropdown at the bottom of the page.
If the user chooses one of these options then that number of items will be displayed and multiple pages become available.
Ideally, the value set in 'resultRowsPerPage=' should be the same number as in one of the 'rowsPerPageOptions' values
Catalog, search results, resultRowsPerPage, RowsPerPageOptions , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CAT , Catalog , How To