Purchase orders were migrated and delivered quantity was entered for some orders in the migration template.
However, when we look into the purchase order in the tenant, open purchase order quantity is still the full amount of the purchase order without the reduction of delivered quantity.
SAP Business Bydesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Inbound Logistics work center
- View Purchase Orders
- Select Open purchase orders
- Search for relevant Purchase Order
- You can see the open purchase order quantity is as it is for all items even though some quantity was delivered
As it is migrated Purchase order, the inbound side will not have any information about the delivered quantity and hence on 'inbound logistics' screen
the open purchase order quantity will not change
Please create the Inbound delivery for rest of the open quantity in the migrated tenant and then manually finish the purchase order
Migrated Purchase Order Inbound Logistics Delivered Quantity , KBA , migrated purchase order , delivered quantity , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , Problem