You are trying to set the external fulfillment of a Sales Order via web service, but the information is not reflecting in the system.
SAP Business ByDesign - all its versions.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the SOAP UI tool.
- Create the relevant communication between SOAP UI and SAP ByDesign system.
- Run the payload bellow:
<SalesOrder itemListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" businessTransactionDocumentReferenceListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" actionCode="04">
<ContentText>Customer information test</ContentText>
<ItemScheduleLine actionCode="04">
<Quantity unitCode="EA">1</Quantity>
Note that:
- NNN represents the buyer ID.
- XXXXXXX represents the party ID.
- YYYYY represents the type code.
- ZZ represents the item ID.
- HH represents the Fulfillment Party Category Code.
- ABC represents the Product ID.
FulfilmentPartyCategoryCode is not a standalone field, to maintain the Ship From party, you have to select the fulfillment code as well as the Ship From location.
This could be verified in the frontend, if you create a new sales order manually, in the items details, select the fulfillment as internal, you will see that the Ship From name is still blank, you have to select it manually as well. So for the upload, it requires the Ship From name too.
To maintain the Ship From, the existing payload can be enhanced with the tags:
- Item Ship From location.
- Item Vendor party.
When the fulfillment is internal the Ship From location has to be manually entered in the payload for each item.
When the fulfillment is external the Ship From location has to be left blank, and the vendor party information has to filled.
To set the external fulfillment information, it will be necessary to enter the following information:
-Item ship from location:
<ShipFromItemLocation actionCode="04"><LocationID/></ShipFromItemLocation>
-Item Vendor party
<FormattedName languageCode="EN"></FormattedName>
<VendorItemParty>; <ShipFromItemLocation>; External Fulfillment; Sales Order; SOAP UI; Web service , KBA , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , Problem