You are saving file to native/local file system using WebGUI File Browser. The behavior is different when executing the same upload/download via SAP GUI for Windows (e.g, using CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>DIRECTORY_BROWSE method).
During the download in SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui) only Z: drive is available and it is not possible to change this path and save the file on the local drive like "C:".
This is also explained in KBA 2547717 (ITS Up/Down: Only Z: drive available, no local drives (like C:)).
Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
- SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui)
- SAP NetWeaver
virtual Z: directory, C:/, Z:/, local drive, export, download, import, browser's file system, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, webgui, file, sapgui for html, native file system, multiple,
file upload is not displayed in directory z, CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES, DIRECTORY_BROWSE, default file path in fiori is picking during upload file , KBA , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , CA-FLP-FE-UI , SAP Fiori Launchpad User Interface , How To
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