SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2637453 - Spreadsheet reports getting failed for HANA customer


  •  Spreadsheet reports getting failed for HANA customer
  •  Unable to run spreadsheet report for HANA customer


  • SAP Successfactors HCM Suite
  • Spreadsheet Reports

Reproducing the Issue

  1.  Go to Spreadsheet report and run any spreadsheet report.
  2.  Go to Scheduled Reports section and check the report status.
  3.  Check if the report is in failed status.


The issue might occur because the instance is still looking for spreadsheet versions built for Oracle.


  1. Go to Provisioining and switch on below switch.
  2. "Execute the version of standard spreadsheet reports uploaded in this instance, instead of using the latest version"

HANA switch.PNG


Spreadsheet - HANA - report Failed , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-VIE , List View, Spreadsheet & Classic reports , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions