SAP Enterprise Asset Management, add-On for MRO by HCL for S/4HANA (briefly the 'Add-on for MRO') comes with a Fiori version of the EWI workbench (‘EWI Fiori App’).
In order to register gateway services for this new component, it requires a namespace to be created. If not, registration of gateway services will fail.
The EWI Fiori App uses OData services delivered in HCLGW01 component, named /AXONUI5A/EWI_IMROEWI_SRV. This service is available under /AXONUI5A/ namespace.
The purpose of this SAP note is to create the working namespace for the OData service so that it can be registered in this namespace and hence will be available for maintaining and activating from any front end server.
It is to expose the OData service so that the frontend server can retrieve this service using system alias and external service name combination and activate it. Only after the service is activated, EWI Fiori App will be able to use this OData service.
KBA , XX-PART-HCL-EAM , SAP EAM, add-on for MRO by HCL for SAP S/4HANA , How To
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