The approval notes are missing in the sales documents(Sales Quote, Sales Order) even though you added the note while approving the document.
SAP Business Bydesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Manage My Area workcenter.
- Go to Approvals View.
- Show Open Tasks and select the approval task for the Sales Quote XXX(XXX is the ID of the Sales Quote).
- Click on Actions Button and Select Add Notes option and add a internal note.
- Now select Actions Button again and select the option Open Details.
- In the new tab, navigate to notes tab and enter a text.
- You expect both the notes which you added in the above steps to be present in the Sales Quote XXX.
This is system standard behavior. The Notes added in the Overview screen of the Approvals View in Manage My Area workcenter are the internal notes for the BTM task created for Approval of Sales Document and these notes will not be present in Sales Document.
If you want to add the approval note which should be visible in the Sales document then please follow the below steps
Go to Manage My Area workcenter.
- Go to Approval View
- Show Open Tasks and select the approval task for the Sales Quote XXX(XXX is the ID of the Sales Quote).
- Click on Edit Button and in the new screen, add the note in the empty text tab and Click on Approve.
- The note added as per step 4 will be visible in the Sales Document
Approval note missing, Approval note missing in sales quote; , KBA , SRD-CC-BTM , Business Task Management , How To