Often an Error 11 shows up and the SMP Agentry application (Ex: Work Manager or others) cannot communicate to the SMP Server
- Restarting the SMP 3.0 Server may solve the issue and it may happen again
- The issue seen by the user is random, can occur at any given point in time
- For the Agentry application like Work Manager, when this error occurs the user/critical information is delayed/lost from push messages
- When using an Android device in Airplane mode and the transmit screen is opened, the user experiences that the client is not receiving keep-alive messages from the server and will try to send an EnablePush message
- The EnablePush will fail since the device is in Airplane mode
- This failure is handled differently if the transmit screen had been closed - An Error message will appear on the transmit screen
- If the transmit screen is closed and the user waits for the timeout period (serverInactiveTimeoutOverride in TransmitConfiguration.ini)
- The Agentry Android client will stop attempting to reconnect to the server, even if airplane mode is disabled and device reconnects to a valid network (phone network)
- If the transmit screen is closed before the client notices the lack of keep-alive messages, the problem will not exist
- No reverse proxy
- Android Devices (Example)
- Samsung Galaxy A3 with Android version 5.1.1
- Samsung Galaxy A3 with Android version 6.0.1
- Samsung Core Prime with Android version 5.1.1
- Samsung Core Prime with Android version 5.0.2
- Devices uses both WiFi and Mobile Network (users are moving around the area, so the devices switches between networks)
- SAP Work Manager (Example Agentry app)
SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 SP13 PL05
- SAP Mobile Platform Runtime Server 3.0 SP11 PL05
"Agentry reconnect","Agentry auto connect","Agentry Android does not reconnect to server","Agentry Airplane mode","Agentry Error 11 disconnect","Users cannot connect Error 11","Agentry Android connection","Agentry Android Error 11 network" , KBA , MOB-SDK-AGC , SAP Mobile SDK Agentry Clients , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-ONP-AGS , SAP Mobile On Premise Agentry Server , Problem
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