- You are creating label spools using a native label printer device type, for example a device type like YIM4-203 from note 1760619.
- 1760619 - Printer Vendor Wizard Note: Intermec
- The spools that are created are empty and inconsistent. There are 0 (zero) pages. When you try to open the spool preview you get the error:
- Request in system xxx: internal error 0000000028/ 128 in spooler (Object not found)
- The spool properties show:
- Data type ????????????
- Size in bytes 0
- Only spools that are created for label printers using the printer manufacturers own native device type are effected. Other spools created using other device types (PCL, SAPWIN, etc.) are OK.
TST05, Error in spool C call: Error from TemSe , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , Problem
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