ERROR: RES-20108 Column <column name> was not found in table <table>. Check the spelling of the referenced table and column and ensure that the table exists and such a column exists in the table.
- ERROR: Data Services Engine received error message from server. URL:https://<CPI-DS server>/DSoD/agentmanager/data_loader,
Error message: BinaryLoader loadData() SQLException occurred. (cause: SAP DBTech JDBC: [287]: cannot insert NULL or update to NULL: Not nullable "<column name>" column(input position nnn)). -
Tasks are using flat file formats as the source
Processes are failing in Production
File formats exist in Production datastore and contain all columns referenced in the task
- Source data does not contain NULLs
- ERROR: DATAFLOW <dataflow name> SFTP remote directory is empty. Datastore <datastore name>
- The error "Cannot open file </some/file/path/filename.csv>. Check its path and permissions" is seen but the path referenced in the error does not match the path defined in the File Format Group datastore configuration used by the task.
- Error when replicating a dataflow into a new task with new File Format Group: The following file formats are already in use.
SAP Cloud Platform Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
CPI-DS, CPI, HCI, HCI-DS, CPIDS, CIDS, CPI , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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