When you copy a tenant DB on HANA 1.0 SPS12, you may see the following errors in indexserver trace file.
[3579]{-1}[-1/-1] 2018-03-30 09:45:20.734273 e Backup BackupMgr_Manager.cpp(05555) : RECOVER DATA finished with error: [448] recovery could not be completed, volume 3, reached log position 0, [110044] The service 'indexserver' at 'hostname:34052' responsible for the volume '3' does crash
[3579]{-1}[-1/-1] 2018-03-30 09:45:21.937841 e Backup Backup_Recover.cpp(00251) : exception: exception 1: no.110043 (Backup/impl/Backup_Recover.cpp:243)
Can not start the service 'indexserver' at 'hostname:34052' responsible for the volume '3' because an error during recovery before
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007fbe7f49b401 in Backup::Backup_Recover::lookForDatabaseRecoveryRequest(Backup::BackupCbc_Parser const&, Backup::Backup_ExtendedRecoveryInformation&, unsigned int, bool&)+0x100 at Backup_Recover.cpp:243 (
2: 0x00007fbe92bb28bd in TRexAPI::TREXIndexServer::started()+0x4f9 at TREXIndexServer.cpp:963 (hdbindexserver)
3: 0x00007fbe92c20e40 in nlsui_main+0x1a00 at TrexService.cpp:774 (hdbindexserver)
4: 0x00007fbe6d5796f4 in System::mainWrapper(int, char**, char**)+0x20 at IsInMain.cpp:314 (
5: 0x00007fbe6b703b15 in __libc_start_main+0xf1 (
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- HANA Platform 1.0 SPS12
- HANA Platform 2.0 SPS0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
RECOVER DATA finished with error, responsible for the volume '3' does crash, copy database , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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