- This is an environment with replication from one MS-SQL SERVER to another MS-SQL SERVER using SAP Replication Server (SRS).
- DDL replication in a heterogeneous replication environment where there is a database replication definition an a database replication subscription between two MSSQL servers during the application of the transaction on the replicated site.
- The connection on the replicated site never applies the commit. Selects on the new table on the replicated site get locked. If the connection is suspended the transaction get lost. the next time the connection is resumed the DDL transaction is not applied.
- Replication Server/16.0/EBF 27615 SP03 PL03 rs160sp03pl03/X64/Windows 2008 R2/2214/OPT64/Wed Dec 20 03:42:58 2017
- Replication Agent for Unix & Windows/15.7.1 SP206/P/generic/JDK 7.0/rax1571sp206/62060.206/VM: SAP AG 1.7.0_25/OPT/Tue Feb 10 08:41:01 MST 2015
- DirectConnect 15.7 SP05 P-EBF25406
SAP Replication Server 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server, heterogeneous edition 16.0 ; Sybase Enterprise Connect Data Access 15.0
CR814858 CR#814858 814858 ECDA MSSQL replication agent server TransactionMode long short microsoft sql server commit DDL heterogeneous , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-REP-HET , Replication Server Heterogeneous Edition (RSHE) , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , Bug Filed
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