You delimited the Company Car (0442) infotype record in such way that the record ended on the last day of the payroll period (30.04.2018) after the payroll had already been run for that payroll period (1/2018) and you also created a new Company Car (0442) infotype record with new car data from the beginning of the next payroll period (01.05.2018).
When the payroll is run for the next payroll period (1/2018), payroll function GBBIK correctly reassesses the benefit but the original result for the previous payroll period (1/2018) still shows ‘Taxable benefit / 12’ if there is no retro back to the previous period (1/2018).
When a retro back to this previous period (1/2018) finally happens later in the year payroll function GBBIK realizes that the Company Car (0442) infotype dates have changed since the original processing of this previous period (1/2018) and that the calculation of ‘Taxable Benefit / 12’ is no longer correct so the calculation is re-done.
Since the retro back to the previous period (1/2018) did not happen automatically, it could end up with inconsistent results depending on if and when the retro to the previous period (1/2018) happened.
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP ERP Core Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
GBBIK, BIK, company car, IT442, retro , KBA , PY-GB , United Kingdom , How To
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