In BRM step "Define Role", under "Role Mapping" sub menu, there is a check box option called 'Consider Parent Assignment Approver' that allows you to map the parent role approvers to the mapped roles (also called child roles).
With this configuration checked, ideally the parent role approvers should also become the mapped role approvers, overriding any approver the mapped role might have.
This configuration works when both mapped role and its parent role are present on the same path in the request.
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0
SAP GRC Access Control 10.1
role owner parent master mapped mapping mapped child role GRAC_MSMP_ROLEOWNER_AGENT GRAC_MSMP_ROUTE_NO_ROLEOWNER Consider Parent Assignment Approver Define Role BRM mapped roles list of approvers agent approver cascade approval same path different path parallel path ROLE_OWNER routing rule routed detour escape approver not found NO_ROLE_OWNER assignment approver request partially directed escape path , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-BRM , Business Role Management , How To
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