- It is necessary to transport a customization change of SAP_ESS (version 633) to RunTime System (RTS) NW AS Java (version 7.31, 7.40 or 7.50) with SAP NWDI (version 7.20 or lower).
- The development configuration, with regards to SCA build-time dependencies, is set correctly.
- Yet, when adding SAP_ESS, version 633, and saving the development configuration, similar to the below error message is displayed:
SAP Application Server Java (AS Java),
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) version 7.20 or lower,
CM Services
SAP NetWeaver Application Server all versions
ESS, SAP_ESS, 633, SCA, Software, Component, required, development, configuration, CM Services, release, already, contained, different, version, migration, transport, NWDI, 7.20, 7.1 , KBA , BC-CTS-CMS , Change Management Service , CA-ESS-WD , ESS Web Dynpro , Problem
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