After a user logs out of the Kapsel app and a new user logs in, SCPms still uses the old user's credentials to send requests to the backend. For example, user 1 logs out using the "Unregister" from CLI packager (which internally uses Kapsel logon plugin), then user 2 logs in with logon plugin and gets its own application connection id, which also shows user 2's username, and SCPms still uses user 1's credentials.
- SAP Mobile Platform Kapsel SDK 3.0 SP15 PL13 and lower
- SAP Cloud Platform mobile services (SCPms)
Kapsel, SCPms, SAP Cloud Platform mobile services, old credentials , KBA , MOB-SDK-KAP , Kapsel: Hybrid Container , MOB-CLD-SEC , CP mobile service for dev & ops security , Problem
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